The Painful Truth About The Worldwide Church of God

(Part 1)

By: Kscribe

"A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence."

What is Hume's Maxim? A more defined question might be "What is the consequence of trusting in our fallible thinking process, and how may we correct it thru reasoning." David Hume (not to be confused with the former "World Tomorrow" mouth piece of the same name) was a Scottish philosopher who lived from 1711-1776, and wrote "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" a classic in skeptical analysis, and his greatest philosophical work.

Hume provides a foolproof contemplation of miraculous claims, and facilitates  the "Free Thinker" with a formula that will assist in reaching an logical decision. This decision will lead to a intellectual (cognitive) resolution to a controversy.  So here we go, take your time to understand the formula, there will be a test!

 From Hume's "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" as quoted by Michael Shermer in "Why People Believe Weird Things" pg 45-46.

 "That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish."

"When anyone tells me that he saw a dead man restored to life, I immediately consider with myself whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived, or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened. I weigh the one miracle against the other; and according to the superiority, which I discover, I pronounce my decision, and always reject the greater miracle. If the falsehood of his testimony would be more miraculous than the event which he relates; then, and not till then, can he pretend to command my belief or opinion."

Now, with our new found knowledge, let us explore.........


The Bible says God "created Man out of the ground, along with all beasts of the field, the fish of the sea, and every bird of the air." We know this is true because the Bible tells us so. We live by faith. The evolutionist says "Man evolved from the depths of the earths ocean's to his present form. Evidence of this is that mans blood PH is 7.4  the same as the waters of the ocean.

Question: Which of these arguments is based on a known fact, and which is based on wild speculation? Which falsehood (creation -vs- evolution) is more miraculous than the fact (proof) it endeavors to establish? Reject the more miraculous and use the reasoning of your mind to reach a intellectual resolution to this controversy.

Original sin.

The Religionist says "Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit and the eyes of both were opened. Soon after, they are given the boot out of paradise. The Creator has taken his creation and has rejected it (for a minor infraction) and has condemned mankind down to this very day with hardship of toil, greatly multiplied pain of childbirth, and the all fearful fate, death. Mankind cannot reach the highest  potential (eternal life) until they are forgiven of sins. The Free-thinker says "Mans intellect will lead to the higher type of man by recognizing mans deepest instincts (survival, the quest for knowledge and understanding of his surroundings) and develop and apply these for the preservation of life, and the betterment of society as a whole. Mankind's potential is virtually unlimited.

Question: Which of these arguments is based on known facts, (modern advances in science, genetic medicine, ECT.) and which is based on wild speculation? Which falsehood (sin, hardship, redemption, eternal life, a Creator that leaves man to his own devices -vs- Mans creative intellect that has illuminated and benefited  humanity over and over) is more miraculous than the facts (proofs) it endeavors to establish? Reject the more miraculous and use the reasoning of your mind to reach a intellectual resolution to this controversy.


The Religionist says "Man can never have a earth at peace until our Lord, Master, and Teacher, Jesus Christ, returns to establish the kingdom of God." The free-thinker says "Christianity has waged war on all humanity by its antagonism toward Mans intellect and the suppression of intellectual values as sin, not to mention the bloody Crusades, and the abominable 13th Century Inquisition, all in the name of Jesus Christ. How can it teach the world the concept of armistice?"

Question: Which of these arguments is based on  known facts, and which is based on wild speculation? Which falsehood (the external hope of a God who's existence is based on hearsay -vs- the known history of Christian persecutions and the butchering of  humanity thru out 2 millennium, and the suppression of the sciences) is more miraculous than the fact (proof) it endeavors to establish? Reject the more miraculous and use the reasoning of your mind to reach a intellectual resolution to this controversy. Find you have a problem in making a decision? Hint: Chose one, (Religion / Science) has caused the bulk of savage butchery within Mankind's history, and has stifled creative intellectual pursuits. Now ask yourself, which one is most likely to be the driving force for the total annihilation of humanity?



Thru out the New Testament there are references of Jehovah showing love for His people. Jehovah is love. Jehovah rebukes those He loves, ECT.... In the Old Testament there are references to Jehovah showing love and devotion for His people. However, Jehovah has a taste for blood, and demands the plundering and death of men, women and children of other nations, nations that have different religious customs, customs that Jehovah disapproves of. These humans occupied the promise land, the land of the Canaanite's, the Philistines, and numerous other tribes. Jehovah demands bloodshed in order to show his love and devotion to the Holy people. By robbing and murdering others, the god of Israel supplies his chosen people with a land of "Milk and Honey."

An Psychoanalysis is now presented to the student: Jesus, in New Testament, declares to the Jews, "I am" a reference to his Divinity, as the god of ancient Israel. Jesus also contends that to enter the Hereafter, one must "love God and his fellow man." In the book of Hebrews, the Author declares"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever and ever."  The New Testament goes on to declare "Jehovah is love. Jehovah rebukes those He loves." And who can forget the refutable boast made in Malachi, "I change not." Now then, if Jehovah is the god of pure love and devotion, that desires that "Not one should perish" and the primal example to the Christian Community, (that the Old and New Testament make Him out to be) but allows indiscriminate wholesale murder of men, women and children, then robs and plunders them of their land and possessions, this god is a hypocrite that no doubt suffers from a psychopathic personality disorder!  Prisons within the United States of America, are full of these criminal personality types!


1)   By Jehovah's assertions, he displayed love and devotion to the  Israelites. Was this "love" that Jehovah demonstrated when he   rebuked unto torment and death, "other" humans, he created, those   that never had a chance to learn the "Mosaic Law?" 2)   What about the expropriating of the land? Why the butchering of the inhabitants, the men, the women, and innocent children?

 3)   Why did this god (Jesus) who says "I change not" change?

4)   Can this god (Jesus) be of a sound reasonable mind, or a murdering criminal  psychopath?

          5)  How many of the Ten Commandments does Jehovah break within the pages of the "Good Book."

          6)  Is the bible the word of God, or does it reflect the myths and superstitions of an ancient society?

Now, the big question: Which of these arguments is based on known facts,  (assertion's made in the Bible) and which is based on wild speculation? Which falsehood (The God of the Bible changes erratically, and exhibits a psychopathic personality, demands the adoration of worship [Diagnoses: suffers from low self esteem] yet is a God of love and compassion toward all mankind -vs- God does not change and is of a sound mind. God demonstrates love and compassion toward all mankind, even when parceling out death and destruction) is more miraculous than the facts (proofs) it endeavors to establish? Reject the more miraculous and use the reasoning of your mind to reach a intellectual resolution to this controversy.

Find you have a problem in making a decision? Hint: Chose one of the following.   A.  The God of the Bible exhibits a personality closer to that of Charles Manson

B.   The God of the Bible is the object of your adoration, because he is the true God, you love him (because you want to greedily live forever) and he loves you conditionally, all because the Bible tells you so! At any rate ($$$) your Minister knows him personally! Just ask him!!

Did you think for yourself?  Hmmm... What answer did YOU come up with?

 See the Bibliolatry page if your unsure!

Please, if you are stuck in one of the Armstrong cults, there is help for you! Personally it has taken me several years to rebuild my self-respect and comprehend how and why I got myself involved in the monstrosity of religion, especially Armstrongism.

The Contributors of the numerous articles posted on this site, are here to guide and lead you to freedom and peace of mind!

Use your intellect. Master the art of Free-thought!

Coming soon: Part 2 of Hume's Maxim.

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