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Everything you didn't want to know about the Bible.
Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy Review:
The Encyclopedia of
Biblical ErrancyAuthor: C. Dennis McKinsey
This important new volume is the most comprehensive critique of the Bible ever written.
Author C. Dennis McKinsey believes that we have only seen or heard the good things about the Bible, without any exposure to its many shortcomings. McKinsey argues that the lack of criticism of Biblical writings has wrongly affected millions of people in their beliefs in a variety of ways. He maintains that it is becoming imperative not only that the Bible's inadequacies be exposed, but that its negative teachings be corrected.
McKinsey thinks the Bible is a deceptively inaccurate conglomeration of mythology and folklore masquerading as a valid picture of historical reality that keeps its readers in a detached stupor. In The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, McKinsey strives to tell both the good and bad of biblical writings with the most comprehensive and thoroughly-researched expose of the Bible's errors, contradictions, and fallacies. Loaded with thousands of citations and contradictions, The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy vividly proves the Bible to be its own worst enemy.
C. Dennis McKinsey (Springfteld. 0H) is the editor of the Biblical Errancy Newsletter.
553 pages Publication date 21st September, 1995
C. Dennis McKinsey
At one time or another we have all been accosted by religious propagandists hawking their wares with all the agility of a telemarketer interrupting supper. How one responds to this intrusion is of critical importance. Should you slam the receiver or close the door?Or should you view this as opportunity to correct a poor misguided human being who has been brought to your presence for enlightenment, if not salvation? While many opponents of religion opt for the former, a more prudent policy would suggest the latter. More than likely the religious proponent to whom you are speaking will rarely encounter someone able to correct his illusions with some well chosen queries and poignant observations. The arrival of a Jehovah's Witness or Mormon at the door, or a Campus Crusade for Christ missionary at your dorm, should be viewed as an opportunity to expose religion in general and the Bible in particular for the frauds that they are. Victory is obtained not by fleeing the scene feeling that you won because they failed to convert you, but only by remaining at the barricades and showing them the error of their ways.
What do you do when evangelists come calling? If you can anticipate their argument and have some good rejoinders, missionary mornings can be not only fun but satisfying. You can bring the light of reason to the benighted.
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