The Painful Truth About The Worldwide Church of God

Have A Happy Herbie Holiday!

Christmas! Bah! Humbug!

By Alex

'Twas the night before Christmas,

and throughout Herbie's domain,

there were feelings of nausea,

and utter disdain.

The pagans were happy

and full of good cheer,

knowing that St. Nicholas

soon would appear.

'Twas not the season

to be quite jolly,

avoid the mistletoe

and shun the holly.

A diehard's family,

nestled snugly in bed,

dreaded the Sabbath

that lay just ahead.

The children were sad,

and felt badly neglected,

because toys and gifts

were not expected.

Suddenly, outside

he heard many a voice,

the neighbors were there

singing, songs of rejoice.

To the window he flew,

and yanked down the shade,

gathered his family around him,

and fervently prayed.

The next day would be Sabbath,

plus Christmas combined,

and opposing thoughts

were on a child's mind.

The pagan's kids

were blissfully elated,

The diehard's kids

in agony waited.

Ignore all the glee,

all the many celebrations,

keep your eyes firmly,

on the book of revelations.

So diehards take warning,

when your children are grown,

you will reap the wild wrath

of the seeds you have sown.



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