Cult Speak The Ekklesia Compendium of
550697759784796821 Essential Worldwide Church of God Words and PhrasesThat is 666 plus 155.
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Compiled by Glenn Parker
From the great members of the Ekklesia! email list and its Founder, Bill Ferguson, the following painful memories of the Cult.
(This list cannot be used to start your own cult. You have to make up your own stupid stuff. If you control the language, you control the people.) My comments in BLUE. Ed
"A SHORT REVIEW OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH INTO CULTS" by Jeff Jacobsen"6. LOADING THE LANGUAGE. "The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed" (p.429).
A.) Used to mark membership in the group; you "know the lingo".
B.) Constricts thought by dismissing problems through cliches.For example, "John is a `lukey'" (meaning a lukewarm christian) answers all necessary questions about why John doesn't pay tithes, even though he prayed fervently to God about his terminally ill daughter and believed that God allowed him to use all his resources for a hopeful operation."
New On 8/30/98
!!?!! [also with scattered UNDERLINING and CAPS!!!]
A car is a bedroom on wheels [GTA's reason single church members couldn't have a car]
At one ment
Coming out of Spiritual Egypt
Day of Atonement
Fasting and prayer
Feast attendance
Filthy lucre [why didn't they have a hand washing service?]
Foot washing service
From Genesis to Revelation
Humble yourselves before God [or we can publicly humiliate you]
If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book [it would be nice, if true]
New Covenant (Christian, etc.)
Old Covenant (Christian, laws, etc.)
Passover service
Stand in the Holy Place
The better resurrection
The first five books of the Bible [the law]
The first four books of the New Testament [the gospel]
The Law, the prophets, and the writings
Throne of David
Today's offering was $$,$$$.$$, $$.$$ per person
Pray at least half an hour per day
Pray three times daily
Spiritually hot [I certainly feel burned!]
Older Alphabetical Listing Below ![]()
1 800 423 4444
1/3 of the Bible is prophesy
12 - the number of organized beginnings
1-800-423-4444 (WATS line number)
1-800-faw-23-faw-faw-faw-faw (David Hulme's version of the WATS line #)
19 year time cycle
1972 - the year the church would flee
1975 - the year Christ would return
1975 In Prophecy
2T (second tithe)
3T (third tithe)
40 - the number of trials
40,000 - number of confused, hurt, depressed ex-WCGers sitting at home
6 - the number of man
7 - the number of completion or perfection
7,000 year plan
8 million a month circulation
A bowl of spiders...(the receiver's
description of the Worldwide Church of God)
A crisis in the Work
A doorkeeper in the Kingdom
Abhor yourself
AC (Ambassador College)
AC depicts the colleges of the World Tomorrow
AC students (a privileged class of human beings)
Against The Gates of Hell (a book by Stanley Rader)
AICF (Ambassador International Cultural Foundation)
All together now!
All your righteousness is as filthy rags...(you are scum and don't forget it)
Always buy the best quality you can afford
Ambassador College
Ambassador College is the happiest place on earth. (HWA)
Ambassador College students are the happiest students on earth. (HWA)
Ambassador for world peace
Ambassador Foundation
Ambassador quality
Ambassador Report (Thanks, John)
Ambassador University
Ambassador Without Portfolio
America Listen Campaign
America Listen!!
An open door
Ananias and Saphira
And greetings friends around the world!
Anointed cloth
Approved by Headquarters
Around the rugged rock...(and all the other stupid vocal exercises)
Art Gilmore (announcer for radio and TV shows, and tapes)
Ask yourself, "Would Herbert Armstrong behave like this? "
Attack speech
Azel goat
Babe in Christ
Babylon Mystery Religion
Babylon The Great
Back on the track
Back on Track
Bad attitude
Basketball - THE game at AC (NBA = Nobody But Ambassador)
Battle of Armageddon (not the Bruce Willis movie)
Be ready always to give an answer
Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns
Become a light
Beep! Wrong Again. Sermon by Joe Jr. about how they really weren't changing anything.
Begotten, not yet born
Best Feast Ever
Best feast yet
Between the two evenings
Bible bag
Bible baseball
Big Beak ...nothing but good clean, wholesome entertainment
Big Sandy
Big Sandy
Blessings and cursing.
Blessings so great you would not be able to receive them.
Blood up to the horses' reins
Blow the dust off your Bible
Bobby Fisher (former world chess champ & former Worldwide Church of God disciple)
Booth City
Box 111
Bricket Wood
BS (Bible Study)
BS (Big Sandy)
Build character
Build holy, righteous character
Building fund
Building iron bridges between nations
By fiat (e.g., "God cannot create holy character by fiat.")
CAD (Church Administration Department)
Call for anointing
Camping in the Piney Woods
Can A Christian Raise Dogs and Tithe On The Income?(actual article "Yes")
Captain of 10, 50, 100
Carbon dating
Cayenne pepper - used for medicinal purposes
Century of 19-year time cycles
Charles Dorothy
Charles F. Hunting
Check your brains at the door
Children shall be their oppressors and women shall rule over them.
Christ is the Head
Christ was ready to return in 1975 but WE weren't ready
Church "A" Team; "B" Team; "C" Team
Church literature
Circumcision (not REALLY required but strongly encouraged)
CIS (Computer Information Systems - formerly DPC)
Clean Jell-O
CO (conscientious objector)
Cognitive dissonance
Combined services
Come out of the world
Commit this service into your hands
Conscientious objector letter-writing sermonette
Consider the ant, o sluggard...
Coruscating, scintillating, bombastic table topics
Counseling for baptism
Count the cost
Counterfeit religion
Courier Insurance
Coworker letter
Creation demands a Creator.
D&R (divorce and remarriage doctrine)
Deacon and deaconess
Dead woodpeckers laying all over the forest floor (anti-evolution)
Deceived by Satan (first of two reasons for disagreement with HWA)
Deceived person doesn't know he's deceived
Decently and in order
Del Mar Boulevard
Demon possessed
Disfellowshipped and marked
Dissident literature
District softball tournament
Do NOT attempt to make festival housing arrangements on your own.
Don't believe me, believe your Bible!
Don't look back.
Double Sabbath
Double services
Downfall of Western society
DPC (Data Processing Center)
Drinking from the spiritual fountain
Drive you to your knees
Drought, famine and pestilence will hit the U.S. in 3 to 5 years!
Dual nature of prophecy
Dumb sheep
Earthquakes in diverse places
Eddie Koo (AC Pasadena barber, discount jeweler and YO-YO champ)
Egypt - a type of sin
El Mundo de Manana
End-time prophecy
Ephraim and Manasseh
Eunuch for the work
Everest House Publishing Company
Every one of the Ten Commandments was in force before Moses.
Exactly 72 hours in the grave
Examine yourself.
Excess second tithe
Faculty row (housing in Pasadena and Big Sandy)
Faith without works is dead [so do your works by sending us money on faith]
Family prayer
Famine of the word
Famine of the word
Father.....Father........Father.......Father.......Father....Etc. (Lasting from two minutes to eternity. The opening or closing prayer.)
Feast Ad Building
Feast chain
Feast dance
Feast days
Feast fever!
Feast gift
Feast of Booths
Feast of Booze [GTA: "Whatsoever your heart desires... Strong drink, That's Booze, Brethren!"
Fellows and girls
Fellowship with the brethren
Ferret-faced fink
Fervent prayer
Festival advisor
Festival planner
Field ministers
Final prayer [isn't that just a chilling thought!]
Fine Israel [as opposed to fine China--another Watermouth aberration.]
First color edition of the PT
First fruits
First resurrection
First tithe
Flee fornication (except for HWA and GTA)
Fleet car
Follow me into the Kingdom of God!
Foot washing basin
For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. (Fund Raising)
Foretaste of the World Tomorrow
FOT (Feast of Tabernacles)
Four Great Mandates
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Franz Joseph Straus
Friday Night Bible Study
Get back to the trunk of the tree
Get converted
Get over it.
Get the point?!!
Ghastly (the word that inspired the creation of this list)
Give until it hurts!
GN (the Good News Magazine, for members only most of the time)
God can raise up rocks [used in association with, "I can start this Work all over again with my eight Japanese Sons!" and similar threats.]
God chose ME!!! (HWA's credentials.)
God gave you to me. (HWA to Dorothy)
God had the computer invented so the Church could handle its mailing list
God helps those who help themselves [Herbert certainly did!]
God is going to spank, and He's going to spank HARD!
God is not the author of confusion.
God is reproducing Himself
God likes quality.
God loves a cheerful giver
God names things what they are! (e.g. Armstrong = Strong Arm)
God places you in the body where he wants you (so don't complain)
God works in families.
God's People
God's Apostle
God's chosen people
God's Church
God's Feasts
God's Minister
God's people
God's plan of salvation
God's protection
God's sacred calendar - handy wallet version
God's true Church
God's way of ... (doing whatever)
Gospel OF Christ, not ABOUT Christ
Government from the top down
Government of God
Graduate ghetto (where most AC grads lived after graduation)
Great falling away (you are dead meat if you leave the Worldwide Church of God)
Great unseen hand from somewhere
Great White Throne Judgment
Green Street
Growing in grace and knowledge...(forget grace, obey HWA)
GTA - Garner Ted Armstrong , son of Herbvert
GTA has a special calling from God. (& is therefore exempt from the rules)
Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle (sound of Americans on German meathooks;Rod Meredith)
Hag Sameakh (Hebrew corrupted to mean "Happy Feast")
Harmony at Headquarters
Has Time Been Lost? (It sure has you bastards! You stole our lives.)
Hat pin test
Headquarters Church
Herbert Armstrong Chair (Endowed chair at USC School of Law)
Herbert Armstrong was not the church. (Hoeh at HWA's funeral.) Yes he was.
Here a little, there a little...(how to construct doctrines)
Hidden for nineteen hundred years
High Holy Day(s)
History written in advance
Hitler is alive and is living somewhere in South America
Hold up the hands of the apostle
Holding up Mr. Armstrong's arms
Holy Day(s)
Holy Days
Holy days absence forms
Home Economics (THE major for AC female students)
Honey - a medicinal salve
Honey - an acceptable sweetener, if "pure"
Honey Bears
House of Israel
House of Judah
How did you first hear about *The Truth*, or *The Church*?
HQ (aka Headquarters, Pasadena)
Human instrument
Human Potential Magazine
Husbands and wives will be a team in the Kingdom of God.
HWA - Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of Worldwide Church of God (AKA "Herbvert")
HWA has a special calling from God. (& is therefore exempt from the rules)
HWA's dad had a beautiful baritone voice.
HWA's Japanese sons
I AM Ambassador College!!!
I AM NOT A PROPHET!! (HWA in Jan. 1972 after church did not flee)
IB (Imperial Brat)
IBM 360 (WCG's first "big" computer)
IBM 370/158 (WCG's first big computer upgrade - very difficult project)
If a man seeks relief he should sleep on his back.
If a man swallows a marble...
If I pinch you, would you feel it? (not yet born again)
If you can prove a doctrine once you can prove it twice
If you don't like it, there's the door!
Immanuel Velikovsky
Immunization exemption forms
Immutable, unchangeable
Imperial Schools
Inclusive reasoning / exclusive reasoning (how to count days)
Inductive/deductive reasoning
Inspired margins
Internet Lies
INVITED to services (only by the ministers, of course)
It happened at the Feast. (some sin, especially THAT one)
It is the MISUSE of (whatever) that is a sin
It's God's money
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown
Japanese Diet [Ruling body, although, after Herbert was there, his eight Japanese sons probably did have to diet!]
Jerusalem time
Jeykle Island
Jezebel - whore, vanity, what HWA called women who wore makeup
Job and I (why I too am self-righteous)
Joe A. C.
Junk Mail (mail from kooks, crazies and possibly possessed people)
King Leopold III
Kingdom of God in embryo form
Ladies only on verse three.
Lady's Night
Lake of Fire
Land Sabbath
Last Great Day
Leaven - a type of sin
Leavened Bread
Lemon juice - used for medicinal purposes
Lest he smite the earth with a curse [Well, didn't we get Hitler, J. Edgar Hoover, and Herbert Armstrong?]
Let go, Let God
Let's all SING OUT!
Liberals & intellectuals
Like a brand plucked out of the fire... (there is hope for GTA)
Like a dog returns to his vomit
Local church
Looking forward to a steak dinner (Always said by a local elder trying to interject some levity into an otherwise dry and boring Atonement service.)
Los Angeles should be ashamed that it has a black mayor! (Rod Meredith)
Lose your crown
Lost century of church history
Lost sheep of the House of Israel
Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel
Lot's wife
Love is an outgoing concern
Magnify the office of the apostle
Mail Report (weekly summary of volume of mail and money received)
Make a joyful noise
Makeup - is NOT OK.
Makeup - is OK.
Man didn't fall, Satan did.
Man is a God-plane being
Man will never go to the moon and return safely. (HWA)
Managing Your Personal Finances (triple tithes plus offerings)
Marked from the pulpit
Mat training
Melchizedek priesthood
Member letter
Ministerial Assistant (once mistakenly abbreviated as Ministerial Ass.)
Ministerial material (a most illusive substance)
Modern day Israelites
Modern-day Elijah
Monkey pus (derisive term for inoculations or medicine in general)
Moses' seat
Mothers' Room
Moving crew
MPC (Mail Processing Center)
Mr Belshaw (brave, intelligent, honest man who, in 1933, urged HWA to "preach Christ and Him crucified.")
Mt. Pocono (SP?)
My name is Rod, not God - yet. (Roderick C. Meredith)
Nave's Topical Bible
Neglect your calling
Nematodes (anti-evolution)
Never before understood
Never change a winning game - Always change a losing game. (Big Bill Tilden)
New moons - definitely NOT to be observed
New truth
News Stand program
Nineteen year time cycle
NMH (needs more hormones - why male students were rejected)
Noah will be in charge of relocating the races after Christ's return.
Not giving even the appearance of evil.
Not many mighty
Not many wise men now are called (because the wise would recognize the con and have nothing to do with "God's Church".)
Now you'll notice that's written in italics.
NTBMO (Night To Be Much Observed)
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