Just what was the Worldwide
Church of God's teaching on
HEALING?Since the present Worldwide Church of God leadership tries to cover-up and sanitize the teachings of hwa, I felt this page was necessary.
Revisionist wcg historians and excuse makers, (See Carrol Miller's comments to me.) will find that hwa was very adamant that members needed to prove their faith by not going to doctors.
Excerpts from hwa's booklet: The Plain Truth About Healing, 1979
Page 46
- Jesus Christ paid for your healing. Why do YOU go on paying the penalty or else paying the doctors bills or probably both, when Jesus Christ paid it for you?
Page 47
- So therefore, if a member has not yet grown in the faith of Christ to absolutely know he can rely on God's promise of healing, and if this member does call in the doctor or go to the medical profession for help, God's Church does not condemn him, but rather, God's ministers should encourage such a one to GROW IN FAITH until he can rely on God instead of relying on MAN.
Page 47
- Once more to the question, Did God raise up the medical profession for our day?
- Emphatically NO!
- Remember, God sentenced Adam's world to being CUT OFF from Him for the 6,000 year now almost ended. God said, in effect: "You Adam, have made the choice for your human family. You have REJECTED ME. GO, therefore, and form your own governments, your own religions, your own human concepts of the gods you will serve and worship, develop your own fund of knowledge." God, however, reserved the prerogative of calling to HIS service such comparative few as HE should choose to carry out his special commission.
- To those whom God has called, He has revealed in HIS WORD to them that HE is Yahweh-Rapha, their HEALING God, the God that HEALS those who believe.
Page 49
- In the case of illness of a child, God does heal, but remember Jesus said, "According to your FAITH be it unto you." If faith is lacking, or if in any case the child dies, the parents certainly run the risk of criminal prosecution if they have failed to call in a doctor........
- Again, God says, "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight."(I John 3:22)..........
- God's church does not judge or condemn those who, through lack of faith, utilize the services of the medical profession. God's church merely says to you, HEALING IS INCLUDED, Christ already PAID for it, it is a PROMISE of God (with conditions of obedience and faith), and it is one of God's benefits which is INCLUDED in the gift of His grace!
Page 54
- Jesus Christ, through His apostle, teaches ministers to ENCOURAGE RELIANCE ON THE LIVING CHRIST, rather than on man.
- Medical practice may be the best thing that carnal MAN, cut off from God and His revealed truth, has in 6,000 years come up with.
- Do we need doctors? Yes we do, but the true people of God do not need them to compete with God as our GOD-HEALER. ....... God is a jealous God and does not allow any other to do what He alone can do, HEAL!.......
- What about the ramifications of sickness and disease? As stated, medical practice may be the best thing MAN without God has been able to produce. If a Church member simply lacks the faith to be healed by the living Christ, if he has more faith in medical "expertise" than in God and God's promises, God's Church will not judge or condemn him if he puts himself or his child under medical treatment. If that is the best he has faith in, better to let him have what help MAN can give, RATHER THAN NO HELP AT ALL!
- Healing is definitely a MIRACLE. But we must never forget that our God is a MIRACLE WORKING GOD! ...... And His people, whom He has called, must remember that "without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that HE IS, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Heb. 11:6)
Page 61:
- Let's UNDERSTAND and fix firmly in mind this TRUTH: The medical profession is one of THIS WORLD'S humanly devised phases of a man-made civilization, CUT OFF from God, but swayed and deceived by Satan.
Page 62
- But what we do find is that healing today is FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD'S CHURCH, as per James 5:14-15.
- I repeat, there are two conditions to healing: commandment keeping (I John 3:22) and faith (James 5:15). Commandment keeping has been restored to God's Church today. And we should have faith, which is a gift of God, but we are almost out of faith today, and when we're out of faith we're out from God.
- It seems so much easier today to just go to a doctor and TRUST IN MAN, MAN CUT OFF FROM GOD, than to RELY ON CHRIST and HIS PROMISES!
- Especially when we are so well aware of the progress made by the medical profession in our day.
Page 64:
- But the very PURPOSE of human life (God reproducing Himself) is this holy and righteous character development. And IT IS ACQUIRED, DEVELOPED AND INCREASED primarily through OBEDIANCE AND FAITH.
- Page 66:
- But another important means God gave His people of our time for spiritual growth is RELYING ON HIM AND HIS PROMISES for healing.
- Let me help you UNDERSTAND. True, God does for us that which we cannot do for ourselves. HEALING is something we cannot do for ourselves, something doctors, medicines or knives CANNOT do..........
- But the VERY FACT that two conditions to miraculous healing by God are obedience and faith requires the exercise of, and therefore GROWTH in, obedience and faith.
Page 68:
- Adam did not believe what God told him face to face. Faith is relying on the veracity of God, trusting that what God has PROMISE He will perform.
- A promise I have often relied on is Ps 37:5, Moffat translation: "Leave all to him, rely on him, and he will see to it."
- The doubter denies God's PROMISES. The BELIEVER relies on them, UNTIL God performs them.
Page 69:
- You who misunderstand or lack faith, but trust in medical doctors, DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF THE MILLIONS WHO DIE DIE UNDER THE MEDICAL DOCTORS' CARE? Yet you who disbelieve still have faith in MD's
- Frankly, it makes me a little indignant, as I fully believe it does the living CHRIST, to find people exalting the advances and "expertise" of medical doctors, while at the same time denying that God's PROMISES are promises, discrediting faith in God, excusing their lack of trusting GOD while they argue for trusting in MAN!
Page 71:
- God does not expect His ministers to make your decisions for you, and God's church will not sit in judgment of you if you go to a doctor. But God says one of His BENIFITS, for which He makes no charge, is that He offers you the loving services of a MIRACLE WORKER, the living Jesus Christ!
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