"Slavery and the Worldwide Church of God" Or"To Enslave A People"
by Dora A. Barch
For my children's literature class I am reading a book about African-American history ("Now is your time!: The African-American struggle for freedom by Walter Dean Myers).
I woke up early this AM and got to thinking how the methods that the slave owners used paralleled our wcg experiences so I wrote down a few things - of course some of the analogies break down some but....... - and maybe some of you can think of others.
I found it interesting that most of the slaves never did adapt the mental attitude that their masters tried to impose on them, but most of us did - of course they weren't offered a high position of rulership and eternal life like we were - anyway for what it's worth, here's the post:
Worldwide Church of God
Change their culture, customs -- give them different names, different religious practices, different music.
Change their culture, customs -- give them different days to celebrate, different religious practices, different music.
Worldwide Church of GodSeparate people of the same tribe, family, that speak the same language to keep revolts down; later sell spouse or children to keep families separate.
Must hate your family, be separate from them, maybe leave spouse, separate self from family, even those in the church by spending time serving the church.
Worldwide Church of GodMake them feel inferior to their masters -- you were savages (far from true) -- your skin color is inferior, your facial features, your hair -- you are inferior -- you are subhuman, with no human feelings.
Make them feel inferior to the ministry -- God works thru his ministry -- they have the knowledge that you need, etc. -- you are weak of the world -- you are not as good as them, you are a worm.
Worldwide Church of God
Make them feel dependent on their masters -- you are dependent on us for the necessities of life - food, clothing, shelter (all of inferior/subhuman quality)
Make them feel dependent on the ministry -- you need us to teach you, give you spiritual food (all inferior quality)
Worldwide Church of God
Keep them ignorant by making it illegal to learn to read or write. (many learned anyway)
Keep them ignorant by telling them God only reveals truth through one man -- it is illegal to think for oneself/have a different interpretation of the Bible.
Worldwide Church of God
Some had harsh masters, others had masters that treated them kindly.
Some had cruel, ruthless ministers, others had ministers that treated them kindly.
Worldwide Church of GodSlave trade and slave ownership was a very profitable business.
The church was a very profitable business.
Worldwide Church of God
Make them feel that running away if futile -- show them the power of our guns -- pass laws making all white males serve as patrols to find/capture run away slaves -- use/convince other slaves that best to tell on those that run away or try to run away.
Make them feel that they can never leave wcg -- show them the power of the ministry -- use/convince other members that best to tell on those that speak out against any wrongs being committed by the leaders/those that have any disagreements with wcg teachings.
Worldwide Church of GodThose who were rebellious or ran away, were branded or marked.
Those who were rebellious or disagreed, were disfellowshipped and marked.
Worldwide Church of GodThere is no place to go -- the first Africans couldn't speak the language, didn't know the countryside, didn't know which way to go to get back to Africa, didn't know there was freedom to the north.
There is no place to go. How could you go to another church after knowing the truth?
Worldwide Church of GodSome that ran away, when knew they would be captured, killed themselves; some women killed their babies rather than have them live in slavery.
Some, because of the false teachings, committed suicide; some allowed their spouse or children to die rather than go against the teachings of the church.
Worldwide Church of GodRunning away has severe consequences -- being hunted, beaten, whipped, chained, heavy metal collars put around your neck.
Leaving the church has severe consequences -- there is misery outside the church, eternal death, the lake of fire awaits all who would leave the church.
Worldwide Church of GodAfricans: Had Freedom Fighters: Cinque, Nat Turner, Frederick Douglas, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, John Coates Cox, Harriet Beecher Stowe, numerous abolitionists and underground railroad agents.
No Freedom Fighters. Only Slave Drivers and Slaves
Worldwide Church of GodSlaves felt confusion after being "freed" They didn't know what to do once they were free. Many went back to their former owners to work. They didn't know where to go or what to do.
Many Worldwide Church of Goders cannot leave the church because they really don't know how free they are or what the true freedom Christ brought us is.
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